Dedicated Care for those in need
0800 999 1 365

Christian Respite


God guides us in very often the most unexpected ways. Our duty and our passion is to follow Gods word in whichever situation he leads us into. Sometimes Challenging ..... Always rewarding and always with love and care
Just when we were looking for 'something special' for individuals completely traumatised and on the verge of giving up with life, our prayers were answered!  We were contacted by Anderson Aviation offering flights in their small aircraft completely free of charge to deserving adults and children alike whose lives had been torn apart by tragic events.  Jason and Matthieu said their lives have been completely turned around and both are now looking to a bright new future.  We give eternal thanks to our gracious Lord for sending Anderson Aviation to us at the most perfect time.
Covid-19 has presented us with some extraordinary people who deserve all the help we can give. With God's Grace, Wisdom and Everlasting Love, we will help them get over their tragic losses and introduce them to some new areas of life previously not imagined and help them to adjust to their 'new situation'

Again, just when we desperately needed some temporary accommodation for 3 families who had suddenly found themselves homeless through fire, flood and bereavement our prayers were answered.  Anderson Homes had been left with all their rooms deserted during lock-down and kindly offered them to us.  Charles has been good enough to agree to give us permanent space to build 9 units of temporary accommodation to help people through difficult times.  Building work will commence as soon as planning permission is obtained.




God guides us in very often the most unexpected ways.  Our duty and our passion is to follow Gods word in whichever situation he leads us into.  Sometimes Challenging ..... Always rewarding and always with love and care
Covid-19 has presented us with some extraordinary people who deserve all the help we can give.  With God's Grace, Wisdom and Everlasting Love, we will help them get over their tragic losses and introduce them to some new areas of life previously not imagined and help them to adjust to their 'new situation'

From Losing Loved ones through to terminal diagnosis there sometimes comes a time when people truly need  help to see through the clouds of pain and despair they have fallen into.

From a much needed rest in temporary Assisted living through group camping trips to Learning to Fly an aeroplane (Our eternal thanks to Anderson Aviation and their Pilots), Christian Respite are here to help.
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